Allison Weiss and Lauren Zettler at the Pumpkin Jam

November 12th, 2010 by chocko

A couple weeks ago, on a blustery Halloween day (seems so long ago) Allison Weiss and Lauren Zettler played their second annual Pumpkin Jam in Washington Square Park. They are two lovely and talented singer/songwriters who live in NYC. Allison was dressed as “Allison W.K.” complete with a bloody white t-shirt. ewwww! Lauren was dressed as Allison in a red hoodie, glasses and a 100% tattoo. She was a spittin’ image. They played for a crowd under the Arch and we were treated to nearly an hour of songs and free candy. I picked up Lauren’s latest CD, titled “On Your Back Porch” which featured 7 great songs….my favorite is the catchy, and fun “shapes.” Allison had her latest for sale as well and that’s titled, “Allison Weiss Was Right All Along” and features 10 tracks which range from pop songs that rock “fingers crossed” and sad songs like “why bother” that will have you crying and curled up in the fetal position under a table. Check out the video below…it’s a fun cover of a song by a certain teen pop superstar.

IMG_7487 be sure to check out their websites for more info and merch Lauren Zettler
Allison Weiss

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The Pee-Wee Herman Show in NYC

November 11th, 2010 by chocko

Pee-Wee Herman (Paul Reubens) is back and he’s brought along lots of his friends from the Playhouse. If you were a kid growing up in the 80’s (or a kid at heart) and remember watching “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” and waking up Saturday mornings for “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse,” then this show is for you. All the characters from the Playhouse are back including Jambi, Cowboy Curtis, Miss Yvonne, Chairry, Conky and the King of Cartoons. I was lucky to get tickets to the first NYC show on October 26 at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre and sat in the center of the balcony which had a great view. There was a huge curtain in front of the stage and as soon as Pee-Wee came out to start the show, the crowd went wild. When the curtains opened to reveal the Playhouse, the crowd cheered even crazier. It was insane! It was great to see Lynne Marie Stewart reprise the role of Miss Yvonne and John Paragon is back as the genie, Jambi. Mekalekahi Meka Hiney Ho! The show is well written, funny and there are even jokes for the adults snuck in there too. Don’t you worry, there is a secret word and don’t forget when you hear it…scream real loud! I don’t want to give much of the plot away, but It’s just another day in the Playhouse for Pee-Wee who wishes one day to be able to fly. There are plenty of laughs and one of my favorite scenes happens when the lights go out. You will love this play so much you’ll want to marry it! Hurry and get your tickets, the show ends on January 2, 2011. Welcome back Pee-Wee. We missed you!

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Chiller Theatre Convention 2010

November 10th, 2010 by Mr. C

Toy models of wolverine & the hulk!
Jack Nicholson in the Shining w Freddy lurking in the back

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The 5 DEADLY VENOMS & 1 bad ass MOFO with a FRO

November 7th, 2010 by Mr. C

Just wanted to share some cool posters that I’ve been stashing away in that tube for quite some time. I finally got some frames to unearth these bad boys! I was smiling from one end of my ‘chi-neez’ jeri curls to the other end of my fu-manchu because I’m able to finally display this beautiful artwork in all it’s kickass glory! Jim Kelly also signed one of my posters at the Chiller Theater convention! Can you dig it?! Find upon you, the 5 DEADLY VENOMS including the Toad, The Scorpion, The Lizard, The Snake, & the Centipede! And I can’t forget one bad azz mofo, Jim Kelly! The artwork is sick! The photos definitely does NOT give it its due justice! The artwork pops & locks in ya’ face in person! You can feel the speed of the Centipede rippin’ up those ceramic plates, the Toad’s extraordinary strength to absorb punishment, the devastating kicks of the Scorpion, the venomous strikes of the Snake, the Lizard scaling the wall like some possessed gecko, & Jim Kelly smashing faces & doing his signature exhale rebel yell when his fists & kicks meet flesh! Much respect, mang to the artist ROBERT O’BRIEN aka “Kung Fu Bob” from Philadelphia. You can find him on the KUNG FU CINEMA COMMUNITY better known as KFC and formerly known as KUNG FU FANDOM!

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Sophie Crumb at DCKT

November 6th, 2010 by chocko

Getting to Sophie Crumb’s opening reception last night was an ordeal to say the least….traffic was a mess in and around the GWB and the tunnels and it took me 2 hours to get to the Bowery from my place in Jersey. Enough of my whining, I made it and it was well worth the wait in rush hour gridlock. Sophie Crumb, the daughter of R. Crumb and Aline Kominsky-Crumb was present at the opening of her debut solo exhibition at the DCKT Contemporary, proudly pointing out her work with a bunch of friends and fans that crowded around her in admiration. The exhibit was comprised of painted portraits, panels of comic book art and watercolor paintings…some depicting celebrities in a warped perspective of reality. When I last saw Sophie 6 years ago, she was selling her Belly Button Comix at the a local Comic Book show called MOCCA. I was floored by her comics and was really excited she was carrying on the tradition of creating crazy Crumb comic books and characters. I saw a lot of her father’s influence in her work at the time. This new solo exhibition proves that as an artist, she is maturing, improving and developing her own style. The exhibition coincides with the release of the book, “Sophie Crumb: Evolution of a Crazy Artist” filled with drawings and art from her younger years to the present. The book also features Sophie’s commentary explaining the art and what inspired it and also her point of view on growing up the daughter of two revered artists while searching to find her own voice.

The exhition will be on view at DCKT Comtemporary, 195 Bowery (at Spring Street) from November 5-December 30, 2010
hours are Tuesday through Friday 11 am – 6pm; Saturday, noon-6pm; Sunday, noon-5pm.

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OFF! played Generation Records

November 4th, 2010 by chocko

OFF! was at Generation Records in New York City on October 22 to promote their debut 7″ featuring 4 tracks of smoldering hardcore punk. OFF! features the insane and always energetic former lead singer of Black Flag and Circle Jerks, Keith Morris along with Steven McDonald (Redd Kross), Dimitri Coats (Burning Brides) and Mario Rubalcaba (Earthless, Rocket From The Crypt and Hot Snakes). The well behaved crowd packed in the basement of Generation Records and surprisingly nobody started any circle pits. The band was phenomenal and Keith’s vocals were amazing. Keith shared stories with the crowd in between songs including one involving his favorite Black Flag member, Robo and the Colombian Cartel! A highlight from the fast and furious set of songs was “Jeffrey Lee Pierce” a song about the lead singer of the Gun Club who passed away in 1996. He and Keith were best friends and were about to start a band together before he died. The energy in the room was definitely inspiring. Go see OFF! when they come to your town and pick up the new single on Vice Records. The cover and poster that comes with it features some really cool art by Raymond Pettibon. Shout out to Glen E. Friedman who was also at the in store snapping pics of the event. Google him if you don’ know who he is…the dude has been taking photos and documenting the punk, hip hop and skateboard scenes since way back. Set list: black thoughts, darkness, i don’t belong, poison city, now i’m pissed!, full of shit, sexy capitalists, killing away, jeffrey lee pierce, crawl, rat trap, blast, panic attack and upside down.

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November 1st, 2010 by Mr. C


THE STORY OF RICKY aka RIKI OH starring Louis Fan Siu Wong always manages to find its way off my dusty shelves usually during Halloween time to get some tube play! The Story of Ricky is one of Hong Kong’s best gory superhero kung fu films that is SO, SO BAD which makes it SO, SO GOOD! The script is horrible & the effects look ridiculous most of the times. The characters in the movie comprise of a compilation of HK’s rendition of a cyclops version of boss hog from the Dukes of Hazzard with a captain hook accessory, a heavily tattooed triad leader from a Chow Yun Fat movie, some rejects from Big Trouble in Little China, & a gay chinese version of a villain from Superman. Despite the bad selling points in my description of this film, this movie remains one of my favorite & most entertaining HK films in my database! The Story of Ricky is based on a Japanese Anime called Rikki O who has extraordinary kung fu powers! I think I reviewed this movie a decade ago in the print version of PLANET CHOCKO , but you online martian geeks will get another dose of this grotesque badass flick! Without divulging too much, this film is about Ricky played by Fan Siu Wong(awesome martial artist in real life) who is incarcerated for manslaughter in the confines of this prison of horror with a corrupt warden and assistants. This jail is kept in check with the likes of a captain hook inspired boss hog with one eye, & his band of badazz trailer trash inmates including a meathead triad member, a sumo looking monster, & the “gang of four”, including the gay version of a villain from crypton, & a chinese tarzan. What these bad guys don’t know & will soon come to find out is that Ricky is one badass mofo himself with superhuman powers. Riki Oh is a master of kung fu & chi gung. He can basically punch through anything in his way…anything! Ricky battles his way through the prison in the name of justice! Yes, I know that sounds contradicting! But, inmates have rights, too! The end of the movie involves a meat grinder & some poppy seeds, say what?! Louis Fan Siu Wong does a great job in performing the martial art sequences for his character RICKY because he is a tremendous martial artist in real life with a great physique & screen presence! THE STORY OF RICKY was one of the breakthrough movies for Fan Siu Wong in 1991. Most of you should be familiar with Wong’s other films like Supercop 2, IP Man 1 & 2, & Kung Fu Chefs amongst many others. If y’all haven’t laid your 3rd eye on this movie yet, then what the bluck are you waiting for? How can you not like a movie that has a villain who kills himself & then pulls out his own intestine to try to choke RICKY with?

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screaming females

October 26th, 2010 by chocko

Screaming Females is a female-fronted DIY band straight outta New Brunswick, New Jersey who have been playing basements, clubs and festivals relentlessly for the last 5 years and recently released their fourth album, “Castle Talk.” Their songs are loud and inspired by punk , funk and music from the Riot Grrl era. Actually, it’s really hard to describe the music they play, but it is a must to check them out. Marissa and her guitar solos are SICK! She is also an amazing artist who does all the band art work for their albums and flyers. The band recently made heads explode during CMJ week and now they’re off doing their first tour overseas in Europe. Here’s an interview with the band. Thanks to Jarret Dougherty (drums), King Mike (bass) and Marissa Paternoster (guitar and vocals) for taking the time out to answer a couple of questions!

How did you all meet and form the band?
Marissa: Mike and I were playing in a different band in high school called Surgery on TV. I met Jarrett at college at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. He played in Surgery on TV for a while until that band broke up, then we started Screaming Females. That’s the abridged version, but that is generally all that happened.

What were your initial expectations as a band?
Jarrett: Surgery on TV were a funk band and I always wanted to play in a funk band. Somehow we turned into a punk band. I wanted Screaming Females to be the most significant artistic statement I’d ever made.

Tell us a little bit about the new album, Castle Talk.
Mike: It’s yellow and it has a horse on it.
Marissa: Yes! That is exactly what I was thinking.
Jarrett: Marissa tells people this every night at our shows. The only other thing she says is “We are Screaming Females and we are from New Brunswick, NJ.” So it must be important.

Where are some of your favorite places to play?
Jarrett: Hopefully a bunch of places in Europe because we are going to be playing a show almost every night here for the next 5 weeks. If it doesn’t have a few new favorite places then I might lose it.

Are you feeling nervous about the upcoming tour in Europe?
Mike: We’re there now.
Jarrett: Yeah, its not upcoming anymore. I guess we shouldn’t be nervous now because there is no way out! We play our first show tonight in Amsterdam.

Do you all have other interests or hobbies outside of music?
Jarrett: I have a box of worms that live in my closet. I feed them my food scraps and they turn it into compost (poo). I check on them everyday to make sure they are happy.

What are some of your favorite bands to listen to at the moment?
Mike: Fall Out Boy. But just “From Under the Cork Tree.”
Marissa: You should just say Fall Out Boy because you might start to like the other albums, like me. Don’t put your foot in your mouth.

What is everybody’s favorite movie?
Jarrett: I just remembered that it is “Cool Hand Luke.” Before I remembered that I thought it was The Room.
Marissa: My favorite movie… um… I have a bunch. Freaks, Brazil, Sid & Nancy, Biodome, Tank Girl…
Jarrett: That’s enough.
Mike: No, list all of them.
Marissa:.. Homeward Bound…
Mike: Keep listing them.
Marissa:… Clockwork Orange…

What can we expect from Screaming Females in the near future?
Marissa:…Home Alone…
Jarrett: Well, we will be in Europe for the next 5 weeks. After that I think we get to take a break. We’ve been touring more days this year than we’ve been home. We released a record. Did 2 full national US tours. A 5 week European tour. Had a van break down in New Mexico. Recorded a new record. Toured with Ted Leo 3 times.
Marissa: …Christmas Story…

Any closing comments?
Marissa: …Mommy Dearest and Mildred Pierce.

baby_teeth_coverwhat_if_cover185893 CDF161castle_talk_cover click here for more info on screaming females.

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THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE – instore performance at Best Buy/Union Square

October 25th, 2010 by Mr. C

Foreign Exchange(Left to right:Phonte,Nicolay,Darien) pic by CHOCKO

The refreshing cool breeze R&B group, THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE appeared at Best Buy’s-Union Square NYC on 10/23 for an instore performance including members: Nicolay(producer/composer), Darien Brockington(vocals), & former MC from the group ‘Little Brother’, PHONTE(vocals/MC) performed their own brand of an eclectic mix of smooth flowing modern RnB with the deadly venom lyrical flow of hip hop! Chocko & I, successfully landed our spaceship at union square and quickly teleported ourselves to the instore performance just in time to catch Phonte’s standup comedy & chill lyrics! Darien Brockington provides the powerhouse vocals & takes the baton from Phonte when things need to be cranked up a notch or two! Phonte steadily takes control of the mic again before it got too hot on a drop of a dime with a little “a one two, a one two” when the smooth sounds got too smooth, some fun emcee work gets re-introduced back to the parlay for a tasting of some urban droppings! Phonte & his crew performed a few songs including Take off the Blues, Don’t Wait, Maybe She’ll dream of me, & Eyes to the sky. They were scheduled to perform at BB Kings in Times Square later on in the night! Some of my favorite Foreign Exchange songs new & old include Daykeeper,Take off the blues, I wanna know, All that you are, The answer, Come around, & don’t wait.

It’s really cool that there’s an RnB group like The Foreign Exchange where you feel comfortable blasting a tune at the stop light with the windows rolled down when chilling with your homies. Otherwise, the sounds of Keith Sweat, Babyface, Surface, Luther, Peabo Bryson, Brian Mcnight, & the likes often gets muted at the traffic light when the raggamuffin friends are in attendance. THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE makes it aight again to listen to RnB with a bunch of dudes around! Get your copy of AUTHENTICITY ‘cause it’s straightup authentic! Their 2004 album “Connected” is more hip hop influenced with a dash of r&b melodies(totally off the chain!) while their 2nd album “Leave it All Behind” is more RnB flavored with some sprinklings of lyrical madness, but still off the meat rack just the same! My head is still bumpin’ to their 2 older albums! The new album AUTHENTICITY is even more chillax’ than the last but still a good mellow vibe for the tribe! Pure hip hop heads might gravitate away from the mellow digs, but not me. Go..go..go…get it, y’all!
As an appetizer, check out some vids of the Foreign Exchange performance at Best Buy that Chocko & Mr. C took below…

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nyc street art

October 19th, 2010 by chocko


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DAR WILLIAMS at Housing Works Bookstore-Cafe

October 18th, 2010 by Mr. C

Dar Williams at Housing Works(pic by Mr. C)
Dar Williams at Housing Works(pic by Mr. C)

DAR WILLIAMS took it back to her acoustic coffee house roots by playing a 5 song set *Free* at HOUSING WORKS BOOKSTORE-CAFE in Soho on Saturday 10/16! More importantly though, her appearance was about showing support for HOUSING WORKS & their mission to fight homelessness & battling AIDS/HIV in NYC. DAR was gracious enough to volunteer at the Cafe serving coffee & playing a casual acoustic set much to the delight of her fans! She ended up playing 5 songs including THE EASY WAY, IOWA, THE BLESSINGS, THE BABYSITTER’s HERE, & a very beautiful song called YOU RISE AND MEET THE DAY! DAR also stayed around to meet & greet her fans after her set before volunteering at the cafe! She happily signed anything you presented to her. She was selling her latest 2 disc CD compilation MANY GREAT COMPANIONS. All proceeds of her CD sales went directly to HOUSING WORKS! If you ladies, martians, & tri-state freaks have never been to Housing Works Bookstore & Cafe, then…you DEFINITELY know what to do! The Bookstore has a great selection of books both new, but mostly used. They also have a good selection of used CDs, vinyls, & comic books. The bookstore also plays host to numerous music, literary, & comedic events. Suzanne Vega will be playing at Housing Works on 11/14 which I’m totally stoked for! The cafe also provides a good brew to satisfy your caffeine needs for the day! In the summer, I often find myself dashing into Housing Works for a nice refreshing iced coffee & some pastries before combing the streets again! ALL workers at HOUSING WORKS BOOKSTORE-CAFE are volunteers. All sales & proceeds of the bookstore cafe go right back into to the Housing Works mission! Remember, HOUSING is a NOT for profit organization. Represent, y’all! This joint bleeds NYC…straightup! One last verse before I go…It’s from Dar Williams’ song THE BABYSITTER’s HERE..”Tonight was just great, she taught us the sign for peace”. Check out a few vids I took from Dar performance below…

Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
FIGHTING AIDS & HOMELESSNESS one book at a time!
126 Crosby Street, New York, NY 10012
Hours: Mon-Fri: 10 AM-9 PM, Sat-Sun: 10 AM-5 PM

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KNITTING IS FOR PUSSIES exhibit by Polish artist: OLEK

October 17th, 2010 by Mr. C

I went to a really cool exhibit called KNITTING IS FOR PUSSIES at the Christopher Henry Gallery on Elizabeth St. on the outskirts of Chinatown/Little Italy. The Polish Artist OLEK was responsible for bombing a living space with YARN! Literally & figuratively! Even the rug & walls were adorned in yarn! I first caught wind of her yarn encased bicycle chained to a pole in the east village in the summer & wondered who was responsible for this neat creation! Unfortunately, today is the last day of the exhibit at this gallery, but I’m sure she’ll resurface again in the East Village. ALL her work is available for PURCHASE! Without further ado…AND please take your shoes off when entering the exhibit!

Christopher Henry Gallery
127 Elizabeth Street (between broome & grand st)
New York,NY

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