Punch played ABC No Rio and Death By Audio

August 16th, 2012 by chocko

It was a weekend of Punch in NYC when the San Francisco based hardcore punk band played ABC No Rio in the Lower East Side (08/04) and Death By Audio in Brooklyn (08/05). Last time I saw the band play around these parts, lead singer Meghan O’Neil was hopping around due to a broken foot but this time, the band rocked at full strength. The slimy and sweaty mess of a crowd was treated to an energetic and violent set of killer riffs and screaming vocals punctuated with machine gun beats and blasts. To the untrained ear, it’s hard to tell where the lightning quick songs begin or end during a Punch set unless the band stops to gasp for some air or get hydrated. Drummer Val Saucedo worked the double shift, providing the beats for not only Punch but for openers, Living Eyes too. Living Eyes are an awesome hardcore punk band from Oakland, California with a 7″ titled Starve For Agony with 8 killer tracks that will crush you alive! I picked up a couple other goodies at the merch table including the Punch Nothing Lasts E.P. (blue vinyl-first press) which I’ve been playing constantly… “Time Apart” and “How Nothing Lasts” are my favorite tracks. I also picked up their second album titled Push Pull (brutal songs + smart lyrics!) and a ‘zine by Meghan titled “Something You Have…” which features photos of band mates, family, friends and cats taken in off-beat locations in different cities and foreign countries. More ‘zines please!

Check out Deathwish Inc. for Punch and Living Eyes records and stuff.
Check out the videos below of the sweat-soaked show at ABC No Rio. I definitely lost some water weight and put my deodorant to the test!

How Nothing Lasts
Don’t Start
Ol’ Factory
Do It Yourself
Stay Afloat
No Such Thing As A Stupid Question
Time Apart
Get Back
Positively God Free
Nothing Left
Let Me Forget
If Not Me

Here’s RJ Leimpeter of Living Eyes providing the rage-filled vocals and about to set things off at ABC, opening for Punch. High energy 90’s era hardcore sounds with a lotta hopping around. It’s Clobbering Time!

Punch and Living Eyes played Brooklyn the following night at the diy space, Death By Audio. It’s a great venue to see a band but the smoking there has got to come to an end! Even the band had something to say about it. C’mon, alll you nicotine addicted hipsters and punks, take your stinky cigarette smoking outside. Second hand smoke ain’t no joke! Besides stinking like an ashtray and having my arm grated like cheese while being dragged across the front speakers, the show was loads of fun. Hopefully they come back to NYC soon with more new records and ‘zines. Check out the video below of Punch performing “words” at DBA.

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We are ALL Private DANNY CHEN

August 13th, 2012 by Mr. C

A rally was held at Columbus Park in Chinatown last Saturday to show support for the family of 19 year old Private Danny Chen who took his own life after being hazed and subjected to racial slurs by his superiors while on duty in Afghanistan. This gathering at Columbus Park was also in protest to the verdict of the first military court martial of U.S. v Sgt Holcomb which basically was an equivalent to a slap in the wrist. They found the defendant guilty of maltreatment and assault & battery. He was sentenced to 30 days of confinement, one level of reduction in rank, and a $1,181.55 fine. How is this soldier, one of the leaders in his platoon still serving in our armed forces? Aren’t we ALL united in brotherhood/sisterhood being a U.S. citizen regardless of race/creed/ethnic background? And in this case they were supposedly united fighting in the U.S. Military on foreign soil. Who’s the real enemy here? It certainly wasn’t the Afghans. In my estimation, leaders in the military have two goals: accomplish any missions assigned before them with little to no harm to your unit and to provide care and safety mentally/physically for your soldiers in combat like they were a member of your own family. The Sgt. in charge of Private Danny seemed to be doing quite the opposite. The feelings of being worthless, the sense of being helpless with no signs of hope must of been driven down pretty darn deep from these WORTHLESS/HEARTLESS/SOULLESS eight U.S. soldiers in order for Private Chen to take his own life.

(Rally at Columbus Park in Chinatown-NYC)

Seven other soldiers await their trials and with the results of the first one, we as a community can’t help but be pessimistic. This verdict is what prompted the rally for Danny Chen last Saturday as leaders from the community including OCA-NY, Councilwoman Margaret Chin, NYC Comptroller John Liu, and other NYC community leaders like Council Members Mendez, Jackson, & Gentile provided inspirational speeches to lead the fight for justice for Danny Chen, his family, and to bring to light leadership issues in our military as well as the suicide epidemic in our armed forces.

(Danny Chen’s aunt)

(Time Magazine’s referral to ONE A DAY suicide in our Military Forces)

(The 3 feelings or signs before someone contemplates suicide.)

Danny Chen’s – Aunt Lucy made a touching speech thanking the community for their support as she continues to console the parents of Danny through these hard times. Aunt Lucy was adamant in saying that she would NEVER recommend nor want anyone one in her family to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces ever again. From simply wanting to serve his OWN country came a nasty revelation of failed leadership in the militiary as well as the ugly reality of racial discrimination even to this day and age in the America’s. It is very sad.

Other memorable speeches from the event were given by an alumni from Pace High School in Chinatown/L.E.S where Danny went to school as well as from the Director of the Headstart School where Danny attended as well. It was also comforting to hear and see a new generation of leaders like Julia Chung from Vassar College who is attending the hearings at Fort Bragg and providing support for the fight.

Sources of contact:

OCA-NY (Organization of Chinese Americans)
NY Immigration Coalition
Petition For Administrative Discharge From The Army (SGT Adam Holcomb)

(Councilwoman Margaret Chin)

(NYC Council Jackson)

(NYC Council Gentile)

(NYC Comptroller – John Liu)

(Alumni from Pace High School)

(Director from HeadStart School)

(Julia organizing the petitions)

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REEWIND: An interview with Stockyard Stoics

August 9th, 2012 by Mr. C

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Kimmo Pohjonen & Helsinki Nelson: Accordion Wrestling

August 9th, 2012 by Mr. C

I wasn’t sure what I was witnessing at first glance with the Finnish Accordion Wrestling performance at Damrosch Park on the grounds of Lincoln Center but the show ended up being quite a unique & pleasant spectacle to the eyes and ears! This hybrid theatrical performance – part music, wrestling, art, & dance was headed by Kimmo Pohjonen, the accordion player and featured at least 10 Finnish wrestlers including 2 women wrestlers. This eclectic show was paying homage to Finnish wrestling from the early to mid-1900s when an accordion player would actually provide the musical accompaniment for the wrestling matches. The lighting, narration, and projected images on the stage would set the background for the story as the wrestlers would interact with each other & as solo players using training drills from their craft as bodies were flying be it from hip tosses, to fireman like throws, trips, flips, body rolls, tumbles, & to other neat looking takedowns. There must of been mics attached to the wrestlers or perhaps on the mats as we heard thuds from the bodies being tossed around and grunts from our Finnish grunts in stereo! While the powerful, yet graceful techniques were being demonstrated by these warriors – the accordion player would lay the mood with his play to tell a story but his sarcastic gestures to the wrestlers with ‘strong necks and a little brain’ would rile them up fueling a confrontation at the end! The performance was beautiful, peaceful, & fluid yet offered a sense of chaos and destruction at the same time which reflected their struggles in Finland at the time. The sounds that melded together including the grunts, groans, bodies crashing on the floor, to the chants, and accordion playing all combined into a flowing unit of experimental and holistic harmony! The sounds combined with the visuals really transformed the performance into a haunting tribute that brought those Finnish wrestlers from the early to mid-1900s back to life!

Visit the official web page of KIMMO POHJONEN ACCORDION WRESTLING for more information.

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August 7th, 2012 by chocko

This year, Chocko participated in The Sketchbook Project, a global art project that involves drawing and doodling in sketchbooks and having your work exhibited across thousands of miles to different cities in North America and eventually finding its home to be displayed at the Brooklyn Art Library. Here are some samples from Chocko’s sketchbook and as you can see…you don’t have to be an artist or have a whole lotta talent to participate. If you have that creative itch, definitely take part in the 2013 Sketchbook Project and be a part of the traveling library of artist’s books. It only costs $25 to get a sketchbook mailed to your house. Pick a theme, draw and create and mail it back by the deadline. C’mon, Do It!

My sketchbook features drawings mostly done with pencil and ink, magic markers and watercolor paints. The clown drawing has a little aerosol paint sprayed on. The drawing of the dude eating piles of doughnuts was inspired by a drawing in the J DILLA album, Donuts. It was a lot of fun working on the project and Chocko definitely has to thank an alien from the Planet Geminian, Mary for the encouragement and push. Follow her on twitter and check out her blog to follow her crazy adventures. Take a peek at Mary’s Sketchbook for drawings of unicorns, snails and turtles!

The Brooklyn Art Library is a great place to check out thousands of sketchbooks in their ever evolving collection. You can also stop by this unique exhibition space for art supplies and unusual toys and books. A recommended spot if you’re wandering the streets of Williamsburg, NYC!

Brooklyn Art Library
103A North 3rd St.
Brooklyn, NY 11249

Closed Mon – Tues.
Open 12-8pm Wed – Sun.

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Chio-Tian Taiwanese Folk Drumming at Summer Streets NYC – Foley Square

August 6th, 2012 by Mr. C

(Photos and videos by mr c)

(drum team getting ready for a performance with Channel 2 news before show)

I had missed the Chio-Tian Taiwanese Folk Drumming and Arts Troupe perform at Hearst Plaza in Lincoln Center (U.S. premiere) last Friday but fortunately little chinese elves had told me that this dynamic drum team was playing at Foley Square by City Hall in lower Manhattan the next morning as part of the SUMMER STREETS 2012 before heading back to catch a 14 hour plane ride back to Taiwan. I certainly was excited to see the Chio-Tian group perform live after seeing the team featured in a Taiwanese film called DIN TAO: LEADER OF THE PARADE which was part of the NYAFF program last July. I liked but didn’t love the movie but I did fall in love with the traditional drumming techniques displayed in the film. So when I heard the team was making its U.S. debut in NYC – we had to make an attempt to see them perform! And you know what? The Chio-Tian Drum team did not fake the funk! They sounded more dynamic in person than in the film and the choreography looked like it came right out of a Wong Fei Hong or Once Upon a Time in China movie! I recognized at least one of the drummers from the film in attendance in NYC. The Chio-Tian team balanced a blend of traditional drumming & dance with a more modern & fun routine that the younger generation can relate to.

Din Tao is basically a religious Taoist procession which features drumming, huge body costumes of gods and an even bigger & taller body costumes of the Eight Generals. Drummers wear embroidered clothing and don tribal face paint. The eight generals serve as the “policeman” to capture and punish evil spirits.

Enjoy a few videos that we took at Foley Square of the Chio-Tian folk drum team below! Their performance in the U.S. was also in part to promote Taiwan Tourism! Go visit Taiwan!

Note: Summer Streets 2012 is an event planned on August 4, 11th, & 18th from 7am-1pm when 7 miles of NYC Streets will be opened for everyone to bike, walk, run, and enjoy festivities like drumming, rock climbing at spring street, receive a free bike helmet at 51st Street, soar through the air on a zip line at Foley Square, or just casually stroll along to experience the city streets in a new way.

(Zip Lining at Foley Square before the Chio-Tian Folk Drumming performance)

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murals from POW WOW Hawaii 2012 — Kakaako street art

August 3rd, 2012 by Mr. C

Aloha, my fellow ninjas and mutants – a Planet Chocko friend and co-conspirator on many NYC events & beyondMONDOCURRY is reporting live from our great state of Hawaii. He traded in his chuck taylor’s for a pair of flip-flops (at least for the summer) and is combing the streets of Honolulu in search for good eats, inspiring artwork, & just appreciating the local culture in general. Thanks for sharing some photos of the rad street art from Hawaii! — Mr C

(All text & photos by MONDOCURRY)

During this year’s stint in Hawaii, my usual trip to hot dog visionary Hank’s Haute Dogs held an unexpected delight for my eyes. The largely industrial area was covered in murals by various artists. It’s part of an effort to revitalize the area, organized by POW WOW Hawaii and area landowner Kamehameha Schools. With a reception that went down in February of 2012, It looks to be a work in progress that is well on its way. Covering the walls of warehouses, auto shops, a library book deposit center, and even some temporary scaffolding are images by artists including Daniel Ayala, Estria Miyashiro, John “Prime” Hina, Kai’ili William Kaulukukui and Shad Kaleolani Kaluhiwa (Chicken and Fish). One wall, obscured for now by construction, offers a glimpse of vibrant work by the infamous Angry Woebots.

Me on Twitter = @MONDOCURRY
Mondocurry can also be found manning the grill at Unseen Films and the Violent Eye report.


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Punk Island 2012

August 2nd, 2012 by chocko

Last June, The Planet Chocko Kaiju Crew landed on Punk Island via the free weekend ferry from Brooklyn Bridge Park. Punk Island is a free day-long, multi-stage festival of punk rock music on Governor’s Island in NYC. Big up to ABC No Rio’s HC/Punk Collective for organizing this year’s fun event. Dumbo-Chocko accidentally deleted all of his photos from that day, but thanks to Mr. C for coming through and sharing his photographs.

After the short ferry ride with a mix of weekend warriors, tourists and Planet Brooklyn inhabitants, we made our fashionably late entrance and meandered to the “Cointelpro” Stage and randomly caught some songs by Banji. Their punk-dance music got Chocko moving like a Wacky Wobbler. We listened and twerked to some jams, then kept it moving.

We saw Obamanation (Bushwick in the house!) rip through some songs at the “Pookie & Eli” stage. Their songs have an interesting mix of fast and loud punk music, reggae, dub and thrash. Their stuff on their newest “i lo hi lo” EP threw me off a bit in a good way. Check it out here – a triple threat of brand spanking new, improvised jazzy-punk instrumentals.

After Chocko got his share of oggling the lead singer of Tribal Force after totally missing their set, we soaked in some sun at the “Glacial Doom” Stage while the NJ trio, Less Life demolished and destroyed. I’m surprised they didn’t leave a sink hole after their set. These angry, hardcore technicians best described themselves on their website… “It’s sort of like if Takaru, Deadguy, Botch and Tragedy all got mixed up in a smoothie with some soy milk.” So quench your thirst, wet your whistle and enjoy this vicious, vegan concoction at a punk rock venue near you. Definitely check out their 2011 demo and “Today Will Be Ours” EP. Awesome stuff!

Hands down, the most fun in the pit was going down during The Barons of Tang set at the “Dispatches from The Underground” Stage. Their infectious gypsy music influenced by punk, rockabilly and circus music immediately draws the listener in and before you know it, you are dancing in the pit, kicking up dust and singing along. Seeing kids lose their minds in the circle pits to the sounds of The Barons was definitely a highlight of the fest. The Barons of Tang hail from Down Under-Melbourne, Australia to be exact where they first played for underground theatre and circus troupes. Buy their music and go see them live when they come to your town. If I could, I would follow them around the globe like a puppy.

After checking out some violent, hockey punk tunes courtesy of Two Man Advantage, we made it back to the “Glacial Doom” stage to catch Cojoba. I’ve seen them play a bunch of times at ABC No Rio and was looking forward to seeing Taína and her crew rock it at Punk Island. The Puerto Rican punk band, now based in NYC played a great set of anti-authority, feminist riot songs which got the crowd moving. It was nice to see the newest member of the group Ray banging away at the drums. Ray is also a member of the Latin hardcore band M-16. Chocko and Mr. C picked up some Cojoba albums after the set that were selling like hot cakes. On the way back to the boat to Brooklyn, we caught some songs by Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits, a folk-punk duo that performed funny, witty songs. The one particular song “Life Is Excellent” was a great way to end the day…a super catchy song that will have you singing along. Funny lyrics… “Life is excellent, the tap water tastes like excrement. The skies rain poison, but I gotta pay the rent!” Check out the video of that song we shot below and a couple others too!


Follow @planetchocko on Twitter.
LIKE us on Facebook too.

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Don’t cry for me Philadelphia updates!

August 1st, 2012 by Mr. C

With this exclusive update, we’re going to hand the baton over to Mondocurry who can often be found dissecting and probing movies with his lab coat on while traveling at the speed of thought at Unseen Films. Mondocurry’s film writeups can be described as poetic meshed with a systematic and cerebral approach offering up a thorough & insightful point of view frequently overlooked by the rest. Today, the curry enthusiast is providing Planet Chocko inhabitants with the latest visual scoop on the happenings in his excursion to the city of brotherly love from his trip earlier in the summer! We promise – no Rocky references. Take it away mondocurry-san!

@Mondocurry can be found lounging out on twitter when not consuming fiery foods!
Mondocurry is also the dominant spice behind the Violent Eye report!
(All Text & Photos by Mondocurry)

Downtown and around the outskirts, mural art seems to be woven into the fabric of Philadelphia. I took in whatever I could of both city sanctioned and more homegrown displays,with references to politics and culture.


Metropolises have their Chinatowns with varying levels of grime, diversity, and bustling to entertain the restless city dweller. But those in the know will want to seek out more outlying Asian communities for the most authentic and fresh dose of food culture. Toronto has Markham. In San Francisco, you can’t pass up a trip to Inner Richmond for the superb Burma Superstar. And of course, New Yorkers flock to Flushing, Elmhurst, Sunset Park, and that’s just a few! In Philadelphia, a search for serious Vietnamese Pho soup can’t be had without a visit to Bella Vista. It’s a small crop of restaurants and supermarkets, also located East of the downtown area.

(Pho Hoa Noodle Shop – 501 Adams Ave)

(Nam Phuong – 1100 Washington Ave)

(Pho at Nam Phuong)

(Dung Phat Plaza – 1100-22 Washington Ave)

(Wing Phat Plaza – 1122 Washington Ave)


South Street was once the place to go in Philly for art galleries, record stores, cafes, and a general sense of cultural anarchy. Things have been branching out. Head east, waaaaaay east, past the Italian Market, past the neon sign cheesesteak outposts of Geno’s and Pat’s, and East Passyunk Avenue is slowly flourishing with its own scene of cafes, comic shops and other unique stores. Signs of the old have stuck around, making for a unique fusion with the new.

(King Of Jeans – 1843 E Passyunk Ave)

(B2 cafe – 1500 E Passyunk Ave)

(A Man’s Image – 1709 E Passyunk Ave)


Right smack at an intersection none too conducive to stopping, on the way from downtown to Eastern State Penitentiary, is this towering bit of wonder. Maintaining some of the old time majesty of its late 1800’s construction, but bringing to mind Five Points with its tagged boarded up entrance and side walls, this building had historic significance during the Civil Rights movement, hosting a soup kitchen and offering low cost housing to all.

Great info & photos on the Divine Lorraine Hotel HERE and HERE

(The Divine Lorraine Hotel – corner of Broad St & Fairmount Ave)

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Chinese Acrobats + Bindlestiff Family Cirkus at Lincoln Center Out of Doors

July 31st, 2012 by Mr. C

The risks of thunder, lightning, & rain storms didn’t damper the festivities for family day last saturday at the Lincoln Center Out of Doors program. We all got a chance to bear witness to chinese acrobats flying through the air with martial grace as the performers tumbled, somersaulted, & break falled as they avoided the cuts of another compatriot swinging a flag on a pole like a weapon. A second routine by the troupe would treat us to a traditional song, dance, & dramatical performance in the form of chinese opera! The elaborate costumes and makeup with the dazzling display of weaponry was a sight to behold!

After the dynamic performance by the Chinese American Arts counsel acrobatics group: From Chinatown With Love, I walked over to another act catered to entertain the kids and adults all the same — the old fashioned way! The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus team, a collective of jugglers, clowns, sword swallowers, and aerial performers provided the slapstick and old school sideshows which moved the crowd to an echoing sound wave of ooohs, ahhhs, & chuckles!

In case you missed it, we captured a few breathtaking stills from the day’s events at Hearst Plaza!
(Photo credit: mr. c)

The Lincoln Center Out of Doors Program runs from July 25th thru August 12th AND it’s FREE!
Check it out! www.LCOutOfDoors.org
Twitter: @LCOutOfDoors



(Lady is about to crack the whip!)

(That is what I call faith!)

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REEWIND: Planet Chocko Zine – an interview with Dick Manitoba from THE DICTATORS

July 26th, 2012 by Mr. C

Greetings mutants, just a scan below from our printed zine from when Chocko had a friendly talk with lead singer – Handsome Dick Manitoba from the legendary Rock n’Roll band hailing from The BronxTHE DICTATORS. Enjoy the reads and stop by Dick Manitoba’s bar in Alphabet City called…what else…MANITOBA’S to catch a Yankee game and a beer or three! We last saw Dick Manitoba perform at the Bowery Electric maybe 6 months ago and he is still bringing it! We hope he keeps playin’ and pulverizin’ that stage!

99 Ave B
NY, NY 10009

Posted in chocko, community, mr. c, music, photos, Zine Archives | Comments (0)

TRIGGER REACTION – cynthia rothrock, bolo, richard norton, oleg taktarov – coming soon!

July 26th, 2012 by Mr. C

Talk about an all star collection of raggamuffin martial artist/movie stars from the past – move over EXPENDABLES! Trigger Reaction is currently in production. Hopefully, it will be ready for consumption by the new year. The cast includes: BOLO YEUNG, RICHARD NORTON, CYNTHIA ROTHROCK, MATTHIAS HUES, TONY DE LEON, OLEG TAKTAROV, ANDREW FANELLI, & more.

Thanks to the Kung Fu Cinema community and Kiai-Kick! for the updates.

Director: Art Camacho

Synopsis from http://www.triggerreactionmovie.com/ :

Trigger Reaction is the story of two detectives from Cicero, Illinois, who think they are going to break up a drug smuggling ring, but soon find it is something far more insidious — organ trafficking. Caught off guard, they are shot and left for dead, but one of them lives, for awhile in a coma. He has partial amnesia when he comes out of the coma, but the criminal conspiracy of organ trafficking isn’t going to wait and see if he recovers enough memory to be a threat, so he is “marked” for death by the head of the organization. As he recovers his memory and takes the fight to the traffickers, he is assisted from the inside by an undercover agent who has worked his way into the criminal network. Along the way, he has to deal with an investigation into what procedures he and his deceased partner did or didn’t follow by the State Attorney’s Office, and a reporter who is chasing the story to its end.

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brick & mortar record stores


music & eats!
