Sophie Crumb at DCKT

November 6th, 2010 by chocko

Getting to Sophie Crumb’s opening reception last night was an ordeal to say the least….traffic was a mess in and around the GWB and the tunnels and it took me 2 hours to get to the Bowery from my place in Jersey. Enough of my whining, I made it and it was well worth the wait in rush hour gridlock. Sophie Crumb, the daughter of R. Crumb and Aline Kominsky-Crumb was present at the opening of her debut solo exhibition at the DCKT Contemporary, proudly pointing out her work with a bunch of friends and fans that crowded around her in admiration. The exhibit was comprised of painted portraits, panels of comic book art and watercolor paintings…some depicting celebrities in a warped perspective of reality. When I last saw Sophie 6 years ago, she was selling her Belly Button Comix at the a local Comic Book show called MOCCA. I was floored by her comics and was really excited she was carrying on the tradition of creating crazy Crumb comic books and characters. I saw a lot of her father’s influence in her work at the time. This new solo exhibition proves that as an artist, she is maturing, improving and developing her own style. The exhibition coincides with the release of the book, “Sophie Crumb: Evolution of a Crazy Artist” filled with drawings and art from her younger years to the present. The book also features Sophie’s commentary explaining the art and what inspired it and also her point of view on growing up the daughter of two revered artists while searching to find her own voice.

The exhition will be on view at DCKT Comtemporary, 195 Bowery (at Spring Street) from November 5-December 30, 2010
hours are Tuesday through Friday 11 am – 6pm; Saturday, noon-6pm; Sunday, noon-5pm.

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