Alan Lee’s Chinese Kung Fu – Wu Su Temple
November 20th, 2012 by Mr. C
(Grandmaster Alan Lee giving out degree holder certificates after the exhibition)
Alan Lee’s Chinese Kung Fu – Wu Su Association is a non-profit Kung Fu school that has been a fabric of NYC for 45 years now. Founded and still led by the venerable Grandmaster Alan Lee, this temple teaches an eclectic mix of traditional chinese martial arts blending northern and southern styles of kung fu including weapons, grappling, & ground fighting. The unique fusion of training methods both traditional and modern techniques is what sets this school apart from other chinese martial art kwoons. Some of the senior teachers of the temple have been with the school since the 1970s and continue to pass on their knowledge and endless encouragements to their students.
We had the pleasure to attend Alan Lee’s Chinese Kung Fu – Wu Su Association’s 45th annual exhibition last Sunday with plenty of chi & adrenaline flowing throughout the show! The demonstration included fist form routines, fighting dancing (shadow boxing), internal forms, fighting, self defense, breaking, weapon routines, animal routines and fighting, and the nail bed discipline! The animals unleashed segment displaying the various animal styles including tiger, crane, snake, mantis, & eagle was one of my favorite portions of the exhibition as well as the various breaking demonstrations!
If you are interested in learning more about chinese martial arts or just looking for a no-nonsense workout, go visit Alan Lee’s Chinese Kung Fu – Wu Su! There’s a reason why this organization has been around this long!
(Concrete block break while suspended)
(Childrens class fighting atop concrete blocks)
(Broadsword vs 3 sectional staff)
(a battle royale free for all of sorts)
Tags: alan lee's kung fu, demonstration, kung fu, martial arts
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